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5 Iconic Trails in the US

5 Iconic Trails in the US

Happy 4th of July Weekend, and while the 4th may be a little quieter this year without the big boom and pretty lights, let's celebrate America’s Independence out on the trail. And because you may have an extra day off this weekend, perhaps we can offer some guidance with 5 of the more iconic trails around the U.S. to really earn that third hot dog from the grill.


Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Wisconsin

Ice Age National Scenic Trail is 1,200 miles across the great state of Wisconsin, the Ice Age Trail meanders through wetlands, shaded forests, and remnants of prairies, most of which was formed by ancient glaciers. And because it’s Wisconsin, no matter how many miles you put in, there will be cheese and beer at the end of the rainbow.



Mesa Trail, Colorado

Mesa Trail in Boulder, CO, is a high elevated jaunt with 1,400ft of elevation along the 7-mile hilly trail. And whether you lace ‘em up or toss ‘em in the truck at Chautauqua State Park, the views will be worth every mile you put in.



Shut-In Trail, North Carolina

Shut-in Trail may be too much for some when it comes for a day adventure, but over the course of this 16-mile trail with 3000ft of vertical climb, the Blue Ridge Mountains do not disappoint. 



Dale Ball Trails, New Mexico

Dale Ball Trails found just outside Santa Fe, New Mexico, is the gateway to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The run is certainly an early morning adventure to get the 25 miles in before the summer sun starts beating down and outside of the summer months, this trail is a real beauty.



The Long Trail, Vermont

The Long Trail in the Northeast is a 273 mike trek spanning the entirety of the state of Vermont from north to south. Following the main ridge of the Green Mountains, the Long Trail is for trail runners, weekend hikers, and even those looking for weeks in the woods.